Co-op Web Builder
Quarterly Quality of Life Updates
The Co-op Web Builder team has been working on additional features for the platform, which will be rolling out to all websites very soon. We wanted to take a few moments today to talk about what is changing, and which new services will be available to you shortly.
Moving forward, we will be working on a quarterly roadmap for each year. Each quarter's roadmap will be a wishlist of improvements and new features that our team will be implementing as additional updates to the platform. In the future, we will be posting surveys in the Touchstone Energy® news column (North Star News), where you can vote on feature additions to the program, and we can get valuable feedback from the best voice (you), as to which direction the program should head in next. This will continue over the course of next year, as time allows, between the daily maintenance, security and site support tasks.
Now for the fun stuff. We have been working very hard on creating many additions over the past few months. And finally, we are excitedly ready to share with you what is coming down the pipeline in October and for the rest of the year!
Quarter 3 Releases (October)
Google Analytics 4 (Support) - Q3

As communicated previously, Google Analytics will be dropping support for their traditional Universal Analytics implementation, which most of our members use. To prepare for this change, we are pushing an update to the Google Analytics plugin on all sites, to support the shift to GA4. Don't worry if you missed the original post about this, because you can always read about the changes coming to Google Analytics by July, 2023.
Questline Articles (New Feature) - Q3
We have developed a content syndication module for all sites. This module will pull in 4 articles per quarter, as actual content posts on your website. You can then do with those posts whatever you wish, as they will be created as real pages in your content section. Instead of having to embed the content or link externally to it, it will be a part of your live site. This is a feature our support team will be able to turn on for you by request. If you would like to receive Questline content imported to your live website, simply send us a support request any time.
If you are not using Co-op Web Builder or prefer to not host the content on your site, we have more traditional ways of sharing this content from the Touchstone Energy website itself.
Articles, infographics, and videos that include a blue icon that says “Embed this Story” are available to your co-op to post on your website and social media platforms. You can share the dedicated content either by using the public URL or by embedding the designated iframe codes on your site.
New content will become available at the beginning of every quarter.
Here are the articles, videos, and infographics that are available to share with your members right now:
- Holiday Season: 12 Days of Energy Savings
- Space Heaters: Advanced Features to Look For
- Going Electric at Home: Home Heating
- Is Your Home Ready for Winter?
- You Can Perform a Home Energy Walkthrough
- Home Appliances: The Biggesy Energy Users
- 5 Things You Should Know About Charging EVs
- Solar Answers: Is Solar Right For You?