Accordion Example
An accordion is a clickable row of text that expands to show additional content. This is an example of an accordion and is often used for FAQ style pages or on pages that just have a LOT of text.
Pork chop bacon sirloin strip steak hamburger drumstick tri-tip. Beef ribs tail bresaola buffalo picanha shoulder spare ribs rump cupim ground round tri-tip. Chuck bresaola andouille, porchetta pork prosciutto corned beef ham hock. Jerky flank pancetta capicola, brisket pastrami biltong spare ribs drumstick. Pork chop short ribs chicken, venison ground round spare ribs andouille. Bacon chicken turducken ham hock bresaola picanha shank sausage pork loin pancetta fatback. Pork loin sirloin alcatra tail, beef boudin jerky doner shank swine salami bacon kielbasa.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet jerky burgdoggen buffalo picanha ball tip flank, boudin strip steak chuck tongue turkey. Shankle ground round meatball ribeye pork chop cow pork drumstick shank meatloaf shoulder frankfurter doner. Brisket pig hamburger ground round frankfurter. Turducken pork salami, flank turkey strip steak pork chop bacon buffalo cupim venison jowl prosciutto capicola swine. Biltong rump kevin, ribeye pork belly buffalo frankfurter corned beef chicken burgdoggen. Pig meatball frankfurter biltong picanha t-bone venison jowl strip steak pork belly jerky ham. Short loin buffalo pork, sirloin picanha pancetta venison drumstick.
I think we get the idea...